Enjoy a day out on a Midsomer Murder trip

Where to go and see,  and what to do, on our Midsomer Murder day out

A very interesting day out, visiting the places used for the TV programme, Midsomer Murders.                                                                                            as well as a scenic route,  and giving you the history of the places you will be visiting on our round trip


Set your Satnav directions

Doubletree by Hilton hotel.       London Rd, Thame, OX9 2JW    

Follow M40 to junction 8A for. Aylesbury / Services    

From Heathrow airport.                     38 miles.      35 minutes.            

From Birmingham centre                   78 miles.       1 hour 30 min

From Bristol central.                              95 miles.       1 hour 45 min

Find, where to go, choose, and plan your day

                      Discover what to see and do at each venue

This is a FULL days trip, but it does allow you to enjoy it at your own pace, and pick out how long to stay at each venue.

However,  we do offer a suggested time of arrival and a departure time, so as to let you see everything we suggest to see.

From home, allow a journey time to get you to the starting point by 9.45am

When arriving at Doubletree hotel, only use this as the base to set your Satnav directions to get to THAME.                             Just quickly move away from hotel so as not to be caught with a parking fine.

Or simply drive on ahead a few yards to the “LASSCO THREE PIGEONS INN” pull in to car park, and set satnav.

Set your Satnav to       High Street, Thame,  OX9 3DP

This is the starting point of a trip that will highlight so many locations that have been used in various episodes of perhaps one of many a persons favourite TV programmes, which so far has produced over a 132 episodes, and it still holds our attention, so we invite you to join us as we journey through the beautiful countryside of the Chiltern hills in Buckinghamshire.

As we visit each place, we will give you full historical facts so as to add so much more to any review, you will also be shown many of our own photographs to add life to our stories, and we tell you what episodes were used at each venue, so you will really get to know so much more.

This is a MUST READ ADVENTURE for us all, especially if you are a fan of MIDSOMER MURDERS. So even if you realise you may never be able to actually go and see these places, do read about the venues we travel to, as you will learn so much about the series and the places they used.

So let’s start with a visit to the market town of THAME,  and try to get here by 10.00am.

Enjoy history on your visit to THAME.

There is evidence that a few Iron Age round houses stood in this area, at a time when farming was just beginning in Britain, and long before Stonehenge was built. Then other findings lead us into the birth of Anglo-Saxon Britain.

A Christian church stood here 1400 years ago, and it is the thought by many that Bishop Birinus founded a Christian church  here shortly after 635 ad. Records that are available shows that our story can begin in 675 ad when the king of Mercia signed a charter showing a church existed at that time.  The present day church of St Mary dates back to 1240.

Thame gained its name from the river Thame itself.

In the doomsday book of 1086, Thame is shown as belonging to the Bishop of Lincoln. Then years later, in the 1100’s the then Bishop created a new town at Thame, where its High street became a famous open space so that a market could be held here, and then given a Royal Charter in 1215 with a livestock market, and in time, buildings were created and built of a permanent  structure.

In Tudor times, a Sir John Williams became the Lord of the Manor, and now, links with Lincoln ended.                          Baron Williams of Thame founded a grammar school here, founded in 1559, but the building itself was not completed until 1571, and that can still be seen by Barns centre, while many Inns appeared, dating from 1500 and 1600 hundreds, such as “The Swan” and the “Nags Head”

Today, many old timber framed buildings stand alongside lovely Georgian style buildings, dating from the 1700’s, which then saw the rise of coach travel, and suddenly, Victorian buildings appeared on High street, such as the town hall, ( the present Town Hall was built in 1887/1888 ) and these can easily be picked out.                                                                                               Terraced housing soon appeared on East street, and the town saw expansion in the late 1800’s, and of historical note, in 1840, a letter delivered to Mr George Wakeman of High street, Thame, had the VERY FIRST PENNY BLACK STAMP EVER ISSUED on it.


Enjoy your visit to THAME

Come with us as we walk around Thame

Touch and click the photos for details about the picture.

1. Causton Museum
2. Solicitors
4. Causton bookies
6.Causton town hall
7. Now and Zen
8. Harriet Davies



10. The Coffee House

11. Quikpix

12. Printing shop

13. Montesson Sq.

14. Midsomer news


16. Madrigals camera

17. Swan hotel

18. Causton chemist

19. Lionel Bell house

20. Undertakers

21. The Black Horse

22. Moorcroft hotel

23. Cover to Cover




you will arrive in Thame along the High Street, and just before you approach a small White Island, glance over to your left at the Red brick building, which is Thame Museum, and it was known as (1) Causton museum, in the episode “SECRETS AND SPIES”

You will then pass the offices of Wills and Trust, which was a (2) Solicitors office in “THE OBLONG MURDERS”.                                  Now you need to branch off left to arrive towards the car parks. Park up as close as you can to the Town Hall building ahead.     Opposite you will find (3) COSTA COFFEE, so this may be the ideal time for a quick break.  Across the road, you will see Connells estate agent which was the (4) Causton Bookies in “DAYS OF MISRULE”.   The car park is a decent size so you should, along with street parking, be able to find a free bay (5)


The large Red Brick building at the heart of the square is the Thame Town Hall, and has stood here since 1887 when it was built to celebrate Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubillee, although there was another building here of some sort from 1509 onwards.        In Midsomer Murders, this is the (6) CAUSTON TOWN HALL.         This is used in at least three episodes, in “DAYS OF MISRULE” you might remember Joyce singing carols by the tree.   The Hall was again used as the Town Hall in “SHOT AT DAWN” and the episode of “NOT IN MY BACK YARD”.   In an episode of “THE MAID IN SPLENDOUR” the hall was used as Causton Arts Centre


As you Walk over to the left of the town Hall, so as to stroll along the narrow cobbled street known as Buttermarket, a short pedestrian street, which has been used a number of times in Midsomer, such as “VIXENS RUN” “MIDSOMER LIFE” and “DEAD IN THE WATER” You will see on the corner, a double fronted shop (7) in “PICTURE OF INNOCENCE” this was named Now and Zen.    To the left stands Tim Russ & company (8) which in “THE HOUSE IN THE WOODS” was the office for Harriet Davies estate office.

In “VIXENS RUN” this small road of Buttermarket (9) is dressed up in the days of 1953, for the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth 11, and a lady is seen riding a horse along the road.

One episode you may remember “PICTURE OF INNOCENCE” is when Tom is suddenly and surprisingly kissed by a woman who is a complete stranger to him, and someone takes a photograph of this event, and is used in the plot of this episode. Tom pops into The Coffee shop (10) and takes a look at the photograph, while sitting there. 

Down on the corner, stands a three storey brick building, Pretty like Pictures (11) which in “PICTURE OF INNOCENCE” was Quikpix, where Jones chats away about a pretty young models photo.


At this cross roads, turn left on North street and walk a few feet to the large gated building which was a printing shop in the episode of (BLOOD WEDDING)  (12) when Tom had ordered the service cards for his daughters wedding, and had forgotten to pick them up, so Jones tries to use his credit card to force a way in.

Walk back to the square now (13) and over to the right stands Market House, and this square was used as a panoramic shot in the title of the episode ”PICTURE OF INNOCENCE”                                                                                                                                                         Market House (14) is where you will find the PUBLIC TOILETS, (Disabled will need a Radar key) its part of the Citizens Advice Building nowadays. The building itself was built in the 1700’s, and which over the years has been used as a Bakers Shop, an INN, and a Methodist chapel.  It has been used in one episode “MIDSOMER LIFE” where it was the Midsomer life newspaper office. In the episode Vixens Run it was used as “CAUSTON LIBRARY”


The carpark (15) is well used each day, but on Tuesdays part of the carpark is used for the stalls for the Thame market day, which has a fair selection of various stalls, we noticed the large fruit stall was very popular, with a long queue waiting to be served.

We suggest you now walk along Upper High street on the left side of the carpark.  About six shops along you come to Rumsey’s chocolaterie (16)  which in “PICTURE OF INNOCENCE” was Madrigals camera shop, a traditional photographic shop. While passing why not pop into the shop and try a tasty Barnaby Bun.                                                                                                                                           Next door stands Swan Hotel (17)  which dates back to the 1400’s, but the front was later restyled to a Georgian facade, and is now a grade 11 building. Here, in “VIXENS RUN” Lucinda and Simon are staying, and trying to find clues about family estates.      Next door you will see The Aga shop (18) used in “VIXENS RUN” as Causton chemists, where Tom has to buy indigestion tablets. On coming out we see him talking about a case with the pathologist, George Bullard.     15 Upper High street (19) was the home of Lionel Bell who was murdered in “PICTURE OF INNOCENCE” and Tom is having a chat outside with the postman.

Now cross over the carpark to the other side, and at 34 Upper High street the courtyard (20) had the offices of undertakers in two episodes of Midsomer. In “THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT” it was Pennymans undertakers, and in “VIXENS RUN” it was cooks undertakers.                                                                                                                                                                                                   Continue to walk back now towards the Citizens Advice offices. On the corner of the crossroads and along Cornmarket,  we find the Black Horse (21)     it was here that we met the new Inspector John Barnaby (played by Neil Dungeon) in his very first episode of Midsomer Murders “DEATH IN THE SLOW LANE” and he wanted to try a local pub, where we saw him inside chatting with the barman.

Just up the road a few yards we find the Spread Eagle (22) which became  The Morecroft hotel in “MIDSOMER LIFE”. This is a grade 11 listed building, and always recognised by its large crested sign, and dates back to the Georgian times, then much later on, during 1922 and 1932 it was certainly the place to wine and dine.  In “VIXENS RUN” it played a small part when inside views were shot as part of the episode to work along with Swan Hotel. This old hotel still has the cobbled stones that the horse and carriages would use when entering the courtyard.

There are two Oxfam shops along Cornmarket, one was used in “THEY SEEK HIM HERE” and used to raise money for a hospice. There other shop was used for filming “VIXENS RUN” and named Cover to Cover (23) set up for Jenny, supposedly the love child of a Sir Freddy Butler.

This concludes our visit at Thame,

We certainly hope you have enjoyed your visit, if you were able to actually go and do the trip, please let us know what you felt about the morning, and let us know how you feel we could have done better, we would appreciate your honest opinion, as we want to get better for you.

Try to get back to your car ready to depart at 11.30am

To know even more about Thame, why not log on to Euan’s guide, who we support.

When you get on their website, type in the search button, “Thame”

and always look for “Disabled Travellers” reviews by scrolling down the page to find them.

Enjoy a trip to beautiful Long Crendon
Set your Satnav to    HP18 9AL                                   The Eight Bells,  High Street,  Aylesbury

Now for something different, a drive through the lovely countryside on our way to see thatched cottages, well kept gardens, a village with character, and how Midsomer Murders made use of this delightful little village.

Long Crendon has an interesting historical record for your visit to this delightful and charming little village

The village was known as Credeone at the time of the Doomsday book of 1086, and it meant “Creodas Hill” 

Long Crendon was so named after the English Civil war, the “Long” referring to its new length at that time.                                        In 1218 it was granted a Royal charter to hold a weekly market here, and at that time, it shared the right to be a place were “Needles” could be made ( there are cottages along High street, such as 7-9, which belonged to the needle makers) and in 1544 a Christopher Greening was said to be the first to make steel needles. He became the tenant of Dragons Farm, Lower End, Long Crendon.   However, the nearby town of Thame partitioned the King to close the very successful market of Crendon, and a short while later the charter was indeed taken off them and the market had to stop, so that the only remaining market was now at Thame.
 St Mary’s Church     The church dates from the 1100’s with signs of old Norman foundations, while the church itself has undergone renovations in later years.  All around it, and on High Street, there are nearly 100 Listed buildings, which add the charm to High Street.

We suggest you take a look at a very good website about Long Crendon, worth reading.     http://www.long-crendon.com 

Midsomer Murder connections.

Long Crendon has become a popular village for recording many episodes of Midsomer, such as “GARDEN OF DEATH” when the church house became the meeting place. The Church house was also used in “TAINTED FRUIT” when it was the village shop. In “BLOOD WEDDING” it became Midsomer District Council Kibrary.  In the episode “BLOOD ON THE SADDLE”  The Eight Bells Inn was called Florey Arms.


Let’s take a drive through Long Crendon.

Arriving here from Thame, just after reaching the first houses, you will arrive at the cross roads, by a few shops and a car park. As you reach this area, TURN LEFT and drive a few hundred yards along Frogmore Lane. (Photo 1)  Before turning around on this lane, take a look at the attractive stone houses with well maintained gardens dotted with colourful shrubs, and the last building on the left was the old Manor House. In 1390 the house belonged to William Loveden. It was sold in 1764 to the Duke of Marlborough. Later, Lord Churchill held it as his Manor-Court.

Returning towards “The Square” (Photo 2) there will be no need to stop here, as there are just about six small shops, but at the cross roads, GO STRAIGHT ACROSS on High Street. You immediately pass the very nice Churchill Arms on your left, and then more or less opposite stands a very beautiful thatched cottage of Braddens Yard (Photo 3) just on the corner of Jesse’s Lane. Opposite, the Red Brick buildings are that of the village hall, and Long Crendon library.                                                                                                      A very beautiful photogenic view lies ahead as you reach Wainwrights on your right,  with lovely little cottages and nice houses to look at. High Street now becomes a very attractive road to drive along on, with a number of colourful thatched cottages that will hold your gaze. Because there is no resident Lord of the Manor here, it has meant that many homes were not rebuilt over the years, so that now, High Street looks almost as it did in the early 1900’s.

On the corner of Burts lane (Photo 4) shows us Well cottage at number 27 High street. It is the central cottage  you can just see parts of it standing right next to the white cottage. This was built as a timber frame, infilled with wattle and daub or brick, that means that a mix of perhaps straw, mud, bits of old wood and other material at hand, and even had manure mixed in to form a sort of paste that was applied onto the framework.  Then you will arrive at “The Eight Bells Inn” (Photo 5) orinally, when licensed in 1607, this lovely old building was known as “The Five Bells” which was the amount of bells they had at St Mary’s church, but when more bells were put into the church, it was renamed as “The Eight Bells Inn” in 1771. When used for the episode “BLOOD ON THE SADDLE” for Midsomer Murders, it was known as Florey Arms.   

Next door we have two very lovely cottages (still Photo 5) the Red brick 55 High Street, formally known as “Madges” when it was bought in 1612 by Richard Madge. Then later on, in the 18th century, it was given the Red brick facing, while its barn next door with a gateway, was converted into a pleasant dwelling.

Opposite the Eight Bells you will see the pretty Rosebank cottage at 82 High Street, which will have in season various shrubs and rose trees climbing happily up its front wall (Photo 6) while the attractive “L” shaped cottage itself is very appealing (Photo 7) an example of the many thatched cottages in the village.

St Mary’s church.

Continue ahead now on High Street until you reach the church (Photo 8) of St Mary’s. At one time during the Norman period there stood a church here, but this was completely rebuilt in the 13th century when it belonged to Notley Abbey. The oldest part dates back to 1235, but its later structures are from 1265. The church stands on the No Through road sign, and just before this, you need to pull up where you can, and enter your Satnav directions for your next visit.


Try to leave Long Crendon by lunch time, 12.10pm

Check this out with us for further details about this trip to Crendon.

When you click and get on to this website, in the search button type in  The Eight Bells

then always look for reviews by “Disabled Traveller”

Visit Delightful Cuddington

A day out visiting many Midsomer Murder locations around Cuddington. 

Set your Satnav to  HP18 0AP            Tyringham Hall, Upper Church St. CUDDINGTON, Oxfordshire.



HP18 0AR

Tibby’s Lane

A small cottage At the far end of this beautiful lane was used in one episode “DEATH AND DREAM” 


HP18 0BB

Crown Inn


Culley gets off a coach here, but the village was also used in “BAD TIDINGS” “DEATH OF A STRANGER”  “ TALKING TO THE DEAD”. “NOT IN MY BACKYARD”

HP18 0AP

 Tyringham Hall       

This Manor House , built in 1699, owned at one time by Jonathan and David Dimbleby, has of course been used in two episodes. “BAD TIDINGS” and “TALKING TO THE DEAD”

B18 0AP

Village Hall

The lovely hall was used in four episodes “DEATH OF A STRANGER”   “DEATH AND DREAMS” “BAD TIDINGS”  “TALKING TO THE DEAD”.

After leaving Long Crendon, we journey through the lovely scenic countryside of Buckinghamshire, driving past agriculture land and open countryside to arrive at CUDDINGTON, an adorable little village with many attractive thatch and red brick homes.

In the Doomsday book of 1086, the village was known as Cudintuna, this old name meaning Cudda’s estate. The church here is that of St Nicolas and dating back to the 1100’s, but restored in 1857.  The village is concentrated around the village green with about 550 residents, and has rightly won the award in 2015 of “Best kept village”.

Arriving after having past through Chearsley, we Enterered the village along Bridgeway, the village and civil parish in Buckinghamshire, near the Oxford border, the original houses mainly built to the north side, along Church street.  Ahead of you, after passing a few houses, you will arrive at the cross roads, with the beautiful “Crown Inn” ahead of you. This thatched Inn has been used in episodes of Midsomer Murders, as so many other locations in the village, in fact, the Crown Inn was used in the film adaption of Agatha Christie’s “Why didn’t they ask Evan’s.        Today, we won’t have a chance to enjoy a drink at the Crown, because we must move on, and just enjoy a slow easy drive around the village.

Upper Church Street.

Just before you reach The Crown Inn, at the cross roads, TURN LEFT,  and drive along upper Church Street, then you will see CUDDINGTON village store on the corner. This was the location used in three episodes of Midsomer, “DEATH OF A STRANGER”  “TALKING TO THE DEAD” and “NOT IN MY BACKYARD”. You now continue to drive along Upper Church street for a few yards.  You will then see for yourself why it was used at one time in productions of various films and scenes from Midsomer, the street having been the setting for “Oliver Twist” as it naturally fitted the time period of that date.                                                                   Over to the right stands St Nicolas parish church, built in the early 1100’s, and used in the episode of “SHOT AT DAWN”.

Opposite the church are a number of beautiful old yellow/orange brick built houses with tiled red roofs, and the village hall of Barnards hall. This is used nowadays as the village hall, for private functions, social events, dramas, occasional films, and parties, well supported by the local villagers. It has wheelchair facilities and access. It has also been used on four occasions in the Midsomer episodes, “DEATH OF A STRANGER I”. “DEATH AND DREAMS”. “BAD TIDINGS” and “TALKING TO THE DEAD”.

Driving along now, just on the corner of a right handed bend is the very lovely looking Tyringham Hall. This delightful medieval house is open on certain dates to view, and has beautiful gardens with a variety of colourful plants and shrubs to offer all year round colour, a water garden fed by underground springs, a vegetable garden, a tennis court, and a swimming pool. As you quickly stop on the corner, the 17th century hall has some interesting architectural features, and we found the pigeon holes that are still there, on top of the Dormer window in the gable to the left of the front door. The roof itself has local red tiles, which in themselves offer a lot of character to this fine house.  Of interest are some well known previous owners, Richard Dimbleby and his sons Jonathan and David Dimbleby. It has naturally been used in episodes of Midsomer, such as “TALKING TO THE DEAD” and “BAD TIDINGS”

This stands on the corner of the delightful Tibby’s Lane, a dead end, so cannot go down to see it, but just quickly stopping the car on the corner allows you time to glance down it, lovely.  At the far end is the small cottage used in “DEATH AND DREAMS”

After going round the bend, it becomes lower Church Street, and this is lined by the occasional and lovely thatched cottages with their every present selection of colourful shrubs and trees.  Continue to follow this lane all the way round  to rejoin Upper Church street again, and then TURN LEFT and drive up to the Crown Inn.

For a little more details of CUDDINGTON, use the website below, then in its search button, type in.  CUDDINGTON.

A visit to Great Missenden

A pleasant enough little village, but there’s not much to see or do, but it does have its places of interest

Set your Satnav to  HP16 0AL

High street, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire.

History notes

At the time of the Doomsday book, it was known as Missendene, the word “den” probably meant valley.

In more modern times, the village stood on the coach route between the Midlands and London, where a few pubs offered rest, but after the coaches stopped coming here, the village went into a period of decline.

Midsomer links

The connections with Midsomer Murders are few, but it was used in “PAINTED LADY” as Shires bank.                A few cottages appeared in “NOT IN MY BACKYARD”       The church of St Peter and St Paul appeared in one “MASTERCLASS”

This is home to the ROALD DAHL museum, along High Street.


Route in town

It will take about 25 minutes to arrive here after leaving CUDDINGTON, and follow your satnav directions to drive along High Street.

Parking is difficult, its street parking only, and hard to find a spot, so use this ride as a look and see what is here, before moving on.

Ronald Dahl

He was born in Wales to Norwegian parents, and quickly established himself a great writer of children’s books, with well known stories, such as “Charlie and the Chocolate factory” “James and the giant peach tree” His first book for children was “The Gremlins” published in 1943, which helped to make him become a very popular writer.

High Street
Touch picture to enlarge 

This is the only main road in the village, with just a few shops and pubs on the road, but it’s attractive enough to go and visit, but use it mainly as a drive through on your way to Little Missenden, just about five minutes away.

The main attraction here is the ROALD DAHL museum, very popular of course with children, and you will find many schools encouraging their young ones to join the school on an outing.

Enjoy an afternoon pint & lunch at Little Missenden

Set your Satnav to arrive here at 1.20pm
HP7 0QZ,  The Red Lion Inn, little Missenden

A small but lovely village, famously used in 13 episodes of Midsomer Murders, so well worth visiting on our tour

Little Missenden lies just 2.5 miles away after leaving Great Missenden, but it is far better known because of its connections to Midsomer Murders, where the village is known as “Badgers Drift” and appeared in the very first episode, when you may remember we see Tom Barnaby and Troy walking up to see Mrs Rainbird, who turned out to be blackmailing many residents.

For our visit today, you arrive through lovely Buckinghamshire countryside, when entering the  region known as “ The Chilterns”.  Turn off the A413 on the Little Missenden sign. Very quickly you arrive at St John the Baptist church. (PHOTO 1)      It’s a grade 1 listed building, dating back to 975, then added to in the 12th century, and one of the oldest buildings in the district, built by using flint stones, with limestone dressings. The church was used for an episode “ECHOES OF THE DEAD”

The lane by the church leads into the village (PHOTO 2) but it may be worth your while to just quickly TURN FIRST RIGHT to take a look at the houses along this lane (PHOTO 3) before TURNING AROUND and go back towards the church, THEN TURN RIGHT  to continue along the lane. 

All along here is where you will hopefully find somewhere to park the car, there are no actual car parks here, it’s all on street parking, so when you see a space, TAKE IT, we mean TAKE IT. It’s a popular Midsomer Visit and gets crowded, so make sure you TAKE ANY SPACES available to you.  If not, Just drive along and up to the Village Green (PHOTO 4) which was used in  Midsomer of Course. 


We suggest you now take a short break, enjoy a pint, a glass of wine, or a cooling G & T, along with perhaps a light lunch. They make a decent sandwich here, so allow yourself just over the hour to relax a while.

Try to depart around 2.30, as there’s lots to yet see and do.

The attractive Red Lion has been used a number of times in various episodes of Midsomer, such as when they renamed it The White swan in the episode “WHO KILLED COCK ROBIN” Then the Inn appeared as “The Monks retreat” in “TALKING TO THE DEAD” and also as the “Signalman in “ECHOES OF THE,DEAD”     It’s quite a nice little pub, with old wooden beams, such as above the Bar (PHOTO 6) with lots of character around the Fireplace (PHOTO 7) and you may find yourself a nice seat surrounded by many interesting Knick Knacks (PHOTO 8) before checking out the toilets (PHOTO 9)                                       DISABLED may wish to read our review on Euan’s Guide, just go to   http://www.euansguide.com and type in the search area, Little Missenden, and you will receive full details to help a Disabled person.

Our lunch now arrived, two very nice sandwiches, with really good wholesome Brown bread, and an excellent Corned Beef.

We had enough time left to venture outside and take a look at the garden area (PHOTO 10) the small lake is being fed by the river Misbourne, which runs through Great Missenden, Little Missenden and on through Amersham (our next visit Today)      The pond is quite pleasant, (PHOTO 11) and in one episode, Joyce Barnaby is seen feeding the ducks near the table by the pool The garden itself holds many a collection of various tools and bits and pieces collected over the years which help to decorate the little shed (PHOTO 12). On the corner of the Red Lion stands a small building which was converted into a little shop for the episode “THE VILLAGE THAT ROSE FROM THE DEAD”   All in all, a truly pleasant stop awaits you here, worth going to see.

Try to depart by 2.30 pm.

It’s less than 3 miles to our next visit to Amersham, a short 6 min drive.

Set your Satnav to  HP7 0DY   High Street, Amersham.

What to see and do at AMERSHAM

A delightful and pretty old historical town, full of character and charm, with Georgian style buildings along High Street.

A delightful and pretty old town, full of character and charm, many Georgian style buildings and Red brick built homes will allow you to enjoy this historical little town, regarded as one of the most beautiful English towns. There are 13th century medieval houses and buildings to see along High Street. St Mary’s church being an example, built in the 1200’s, while renovations were completed in 1890. The churchyard holds the unmarked grave of the last woman to be executed in England, Ruth Ellis after murdering her boyfriend David Blakey, a playboy racing car driver. On April 10th 1955 she shot him dead in Hampstead, London, and was hanged at Holloway prison, London.

Historical records show there was a settlement here in 796ad, known then as Agmodesham, then again much later on in time, it is mentioned in the Doomsday book of 1086.  In 1200 King John granted a charter for a weekly market to be held here, and surrounded by good agricultural land, the town grew quickly.                                                                                                                     However, dark secrets beleaguered the town,  for in the 1500’s during the reign of King Henry 8th, people were burnt at the stake for wanting Gomeras the Bible in English, and to be allowed to pray. The Martyrs memorial has been erected here to remember the Lollards as they became named who suffered this way.

Being on the coach routes many Inns sprang up, offering overnight accommodation for the horse drawn carriages and weary travellers, and these Inns provided local brewed Ales as a source of comfort. Weller brewery established itself as the largest employer in the area, which remained in business until 1929.                                                                                                                   Amersham has prospered since the  1970’s,  attracting tourists to come and see its 168 listed buildings of many Georgion styled buildings, particuarly along High Street. Many of these house will cost you over One Million pounds today.



The Amersham hospital became the setting for “Causton hospital”  while the Town Hall became “Causton Town hall”.             Amersham has been used in the film industry, The Crown hotel was used for shots in the film Four weddings and a funeral”.  And once for a “Miss Marple “ setting.

We will now take a look at our route and photos.

Following our route from Missenden the first building on the right will be the Town Hall (PHOTO 1) which was used as Causton Town hall, then ahead are a line of old red brick cottages (PHOTO 2). Then we continue along High Street and see “The Swan” over on the right, (PHOTO 3) which gives us an idea how attractive this was is its day.                                                                                            Opposite is “ The Eagle” (PHOTO 4) with its frontage from the 18th century, and this used to be a beer house in 1856.           There are delightful cottages on the right (PHOTO 6) and then just beyond these stands the “Elephant and Castle Inn” built in the 17th century, with its own wall garden (PHOTO 7)  The long white building on High Street is the Worthies, the “Amersham museum” (PHOTO 8).      For a good account of the museum and town check out  by clicking on.     http://www.amershammuseum.org

Its time to consider taking a short break, and we recommend visiting “The Kings Arms Hotel” along High Street.

This historical hotel, of the Tudor style, dates way back to the 1400’s, with a famous visitor arriving as a guest, Oliver Cromwell. The hotel is still a delight to see, with 35 bedrooms refurbished with all modern amenities.  It has been used for many film settings such as “Four Weddings and a Funeral”  and a “Miss Marple” film, and of course in the TV series of Midsomer Murders.  For your visit you will  need to park along High Street, and make your way back to go under the arch and along its cobbled paving (PHOTO 9).  As soon as you enter the lovely Inn, you will see the bar (PHOTO 10) and you can order an Ale and a tipple for the lady and sit by its inviting fireplace (PHOTO 11) before thanking your host and departing again through its ancient wooded beams, and making your way back to your car.

Market Hall

Further ahead and you can see the 17th century “Market Hall” (PHOTO 12) with the coat of arms of Sir William Drake, who built this brick construction with stone dressings in 1682 as a gift to the townsfolk. The clock tower also has a bell that was used as  a fire bell, being heard throughout the town, The whole building was then renovated in 1911, while the open arcaded building is still in use as intended way back when it was a market.

There is a lot more to learn about Amersham on the link below.

In the search button, type in Amersham.

Finally to end your day out and get you on the way home.

Set your Satnav to  HP10 2JW.    Beaconsfield

A nice town, interesting around the church area, but not a lot to see or do, but such a pleasure just to stroll around by the island, and an ideal end to our Midsomer Murder tour.

Church of St Mary and All Saints

The church itself was used in the episode of “GHOSTS OF CHRISTMAS PAST” where we saw Barnaby and Scott inspecting a grave.  The church was also used in the Film production of “Four funerals and a Wedding”

Along the line of cottages, which you see in our 2nd photograph below, just on the corner, a little shop was converted to become a chocolate shop, called “Chockfullo chocolate”.  One of two shops used along the line of the same cottages, the other being used when Barnaby buys some new trousers in the programme “BLOOD WILL OUT”.                                                                     The town was also used in “DAYS OF MISRULE” where Jones finds a stolen car.  Then in “DEATH IN CHORUS” Joyce bumps into Tom at the “Causton Music Store”. The town was also used as a Jewellers shop in “VIXENS RUN”                                                     Other episodes included “DEAD IN THE WATER”  “HIDDEN DEPTHS”  and “ SHOT AT DAWN”

Other locations around the town area were used in Film productions, such as “Till Death do us part” 

So all in all, a pleasant way to conclude our Midsomer tour.

St Mary and all saints


In this episode we saw Barnaby and Scott at a grave.                The church was also used in the Film “Four funerals and a weddings

The town was also used in “BLOOD WILL OUT” “DAYS OF MISRULE” “DEATH IN CHORUS”

Set Satnav for home

To Heathrow it will take about 20 minutes for 14 miles.

To Bristol will take around 1 hour 30 min.  For 70 miles

To Birmingham it will be    1 hour 45 min.  For 105 miles.

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